Life In Photos

This week, Google officially announced its new Life magazine photo archive, a freely accessible database offering imagery owned by Life and dating back to the 1750s.

So far, they've digitized about 20% of the imagery, some of which has never been published online. When complete, the collection will hold about 10 million images.

You can access the collection directly on a special landing page, or you can include the phrase source:life in a regular Google image search.

Sadly, there are no results for googie or populuxe, at least not yet, but drive-in comes up with some great results, as does trailer. Spaceship results in only seven images. UFO only two. Rocket ship comes up with only eight, but they're pretty darn good ones.

Spacecraft and rocket don't disappoint, however, so I'm sure I'll be spending the evening poring through their results, as well as those of any variations on the phrase I can think of.

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