Photographic Prints

Photographic Prints

All prints are produced on photographic processors using Kodak Professional Endura papers for superior image quality.


Don't worry, the watermarks that appear on this website's photos will not appear on your print.

Print Sizes

Please note that product sizes refer to paper size (in inches) and not to the resulting size of the print. Photos are always scaled to take advantage of the most space available, but not all photos match the same aspect ratio as standard paper sizes.

For example, if you select a 12x18 print for a photograph with a square format, the final image size will be 12x12.


I do not offer framing at this time. Due to current pricing constraints, you're honestly better off having your prints framed locally.

Matte vs. Glossy

A glossy finish will usually result in blacker blacks and more saturated colors, but is more likely to produce glare under typical circumstances. A matte finish, on the other hand, usually provides a more artistic look.

Which should you choose? It's a matter of personal taste, really, although I prefer matte, myself.

Color Accuracy

Please keep in mind that most computer monitors aren't adjusted to accurately reproduce a photo's colors and brightness, so your final print may appear slightly different from what you see on your screen. However, all images are processed through a calibrated and color-managed workflow and individually checked for quality, ensuring that each photo is printed as intended.

Signed Prints

I don't typically sign my photographs, but if that's something you would like, I'd be more than happy to do so at your request.

Commercial Licensing

If you're interested in licensing a photo for commercial purposes, please see Using Images From This Site.

Other Questions?

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.