
Your room may be equipped with Edison electric light, but those new-fangled bulbs wouldn't be good for much more than pepper shakers if it weren't for a man named Nikola Tesla.

Before the turn of the century, Thomas Edison and Tesla were engaged in a battle known as the War of Currents. Edison was a staunch proponent of direct-current electricity, while Tesla was an advocate of alternating current. Tesla was confident that AC was the way of the future, but Edison had already sunk a great deal of time, energy and money into DC.

The problem was that DC required expensive, high-maintenance converters to transform between voltages. AC, on the other hand, could do the same thing with less expensive and more efficient equipment, making it more effective in overcoming current loss over great distances. Tesla knew this and continued to promote AC for wide distribution.

Edison wasn't ready to admit his system's shortcomings, though, and in retaliation, he arranged publicity stunts in which he electrocuted dogs, horses, even an elephant, using AC in an attempt to show how dangerous AC was and to discredit Tesla. (Edison did not, of course, reveal that DC would've killed the animals all the same.)

Regardless, Tesla eventually proved the value of alternating current, and AC subsequently became the power of choice for American homes and businesses. Resistance, from neither copper nor Edison, remained a problem.

In honor of his accomplishment, I've designed a vintage-style sign similar to this one in an attempt to attribute a fair share of the credit to Nikola Tesla for those gasless lamps you're now enjoying.

You can download the sign below to print one of your own. The PNG is optimized for a typical letter-size sheet and the PDF is vectorized for lossless resizing.